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Coping with Drought: Actions to Safeguard Your Lake and Preserve Water Resources

Learn how to safeguard lakes during droughts with water conservation methods & proactive strategies. Preserve water for future generations

Indeed, drought is a natural event that can result in severe water scarcity, impacting existing water sources like lakes. Water scarcity can lead to a significant decline in water quality, biodiversity, and the sustenance of human life, as the absence of adequate water disrupts their lifestyle. This blog discusses the impact of drought on lakes, strategies for managing drought, and methods for effectively protecting and preserving lakes.

How Does The Drought Affect Lakes & Other Water Bodies?

Lakes and other water bodies can experience severe droughts. This can harm their ecosystems and cause stress for people who depend on them. The question of their continuity and existence is further exacerbated as the effects of drought continue and other resources are inclined to decrease gradually.

In dry weather, lakes and reservoirs may have less water, showing more of their usually underwater surfaces. Also, it might change the water quality. Too much abstraction leads to higher pollution levels in water, more algae growth, lower oxygen levels, and harms aquatic animals.

During a drought, the water cycle impacts groundwater recharge and decreases overall water supply. When water sources go down, the demand for insufficient water availability rises, which results in more waste of the resources we already have.

How Does The Drought Affect Lakes & Other Water Bodies?

To keep our lakes healthy and ensure enough water during shortages, we need a proactive and comprehensive plan. 

Water Conservation Efforts: Commencing and following water conservation methods should be obligatory. This means using less water in industry, homes, and farms by using water-saving appliances, landscaping, and efficient irrigation.


Improving water infrastructure involves funding for installing and developing water systems, improving storage, implementing water recycling, and fixing leaks. This will help reduce water loss by using resources efficiently.


Drought Monitoring and Early Warning Systems: A vigorous drought monitoring and early warning system will help in planning and making choices way before the actual happening of the drought effect on lakes and effective suppression strategies, which will lead to less damage.


Sustainable water management includes collecting rainwater, recharging groundwater, and protecting watersheds. These methods help maintain and replenish water sources during dry seasons.

Different Stages Of Drought

It's important to recognize that the effects of drought can occur in different stages, each requiring specific actions and responses:

  • Abnormally Dry: During the first stage, introducing water conservation measures and educational initiatives to the community can help elevate the level of public consciousness about the issues and prepare them to face possible dryness.

  • Moderate Drought: When drought becomes more severe, the authorities might require the citizens to use water very cautiously, i.e., on a voluntary or mandatory basis, and they may forbid people to water things like greenery or car washes.

  • Severe Drought: In severe situations, strict water restrictions may be necessary. These restrictions would involve setting limits on water usage according to necessity. Additionally, there would be careful monitoring to protect vital water resources.

  • Exceptional Drought: During a severe water shortage, extreme actions may be needed. These actions could include importing water or implementing a recycling program. These measures are necessary to address the critical situation.

What are the famous water conservation methods for the local water bodies?

Protecting and preserving local water bodies during droughts requires a combination of traditional and innovative water conservation methods:

  • Constructing Reservoirs and Dams: The construction of reservoirs and, with them, dams harvest and store water during the precipitation season, as water is needed even mostly in dry times.

  • Groundwater Recharge: Developing practices like artificial recharge basins, injection wells, and infiltration gulleys can substantially supplement aquifers with sustainable water resources.

  • Rainwater Harvesting: Rainwater may be stored and retrieved from rooftops, paved surfaces, and other locations to serve as an option that can be used for non-potable purposes like irrigation and laundry. This can help relieve the burden of other options for water resources.

  • Wetland Restoration and Conservation: Saving and rejuvenating the wetlands can contribute to reducing the drought effect by functioning as natural water storages and filters and thus also giving rise to biodiversity.


The integration of these water conservation strategies into the local water management plans may become some response to droughts and can contribute both to their mitigation and prevention over long periods.

The plans address the lack of water in the lake and outline actions needed for water conservation during a drought. They serve as a guide for managing sources of water in times of scarcity. With these actions in place, the water in the lake will be sustainable for future generations.


The issue of drought and water shortage has become more significant; thus, it is necessary to focus on water conservation measures, implement sound water management approaches, and bolster the water infrastructure.


A good idea is to try to use less water and find new ways to save water, like using new technology. The aim is to lessen the impact of the drought on lakes and water bodies. This is to make sure that these crucial resources are protected for the next generations.

Remember, water is limited. We must save it, not just in normal times but especially during drought conditions.

We all need to do our part as citizens to conserve water. We can withstand droughts and ensure water security by working together and being mindful of water usage. This will benefit future generations and the environment.

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